Greetings | ||||||||||||||||||||
You have reached the home page of The Raiders of the Last Orc | ||||||||||||||||||||
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The Raiders of the Last Orc are an elite group of warriors, mages and battlemages who live and play in the lands of Goldmoon in the world of The 4th Coming. We would like it known that we are not sexist but no ladies have, as yet, sought to join our ranks. The 4th Coming is a PC game developed by Vircom and licensed in Australia by AR Internet. | |||||||||||||||||||
The code we live and conduct ourselves by: | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Our Constitution and our Code of Conduct. The Constitution: We, the members of The Raiders of the Last Orc, recognise, support and uphold the rights of all members of the Order to follow the path they choose for themselves in the world of Goldmoon, be it warrior, mage or battlemage. We will, each of us, support all other members of the Order when, how and as they may need it to the best of our abilities. Our motto is "All for one and one for all" to signify this shared journey. We will share all gained knowledge freely and without any sought payment or reward between the members of the Order and to those outside the Order where appropriate. Each and every member of the Order is free to aid and assist all those who are not members of the Order save that the needs of any member of the Order shall take precedence over those who follow their own path in Goldmoon. The members of the Order, being honourable people, shall deal fairly and generously with all those within and without the Order, seeking no unfair or unscrupulous advantage in these dealings. Members of the Order may be called upon to help defend their brothers and/or sisters at any time and so we agree to give whatever aid and succour is necessary, or to deal out whatever vengeance may be appropriate at the time. The Order is open to all current and former members of the ATO and to all others sponsored by and seconded by two current members of the Order, who will then be answerable for the behaviour of those they have sponsored. The Code of Conduct: 1. The Order shall consider itself to be an elite, therefore singing bawdy songs after too many ales in the tavern should be avoided so that the Order's prestige is not damaged. 2. If unavoidable, the bawdy words should be badly slurred to avoid offending other patrons in the tavern. Waving around overful mugs of ale can be used to distract said patrons from hearing the actual words. Swordplay 101 will teach the basics of this skill. 3. Where other patrons are offended, members of the Order shall, if the patrons are a. tall: apologise and vomit on their boots, b. short: use their helms as urinals and/or (if necessary) use them as clubs against a. above. 4. Members of the Order shall seek to aid and assist all solo travellers and any lone wounded heroes discovered in the wilds. The Order's Captain shall receive 30% of all profits from these humanitarian actions. Easily reconisable jewellery should be broken up first. 5. The haunts of Orcs, goblins and other man-eating creatures shall be widely advertised to all and sundry, except where a mutually profitable agreement can be made between the Order and the creature(s). When drawing up such an agreement, it is strongly recommended that the eating of foods and other refreshments offered by said creatures be avoided. 6. The Order sneers at conflict wherein the two sides are evenly numbered, preferring odds of at least 4 to 1. When you leave on hunting expeditions, remember to take at least 3 companions with you. 7. As the Order is composed of honourable persons, any unfair advantages discovered shall not be exploited by members of the Order in any way, except if no-one else is around to notice. If any discovered observer is another member of the Order, negotiations between them without the use of weapons is preferred. 8. Each member of the order shall bathe and wash their clothing at least once a year. 9. Wolf whistling at temple virgins (whether male or female) is acceptable behaviour. Selling them to harems and brothels is not. 10. If you are caught somewhere you shouldn't be, remember that only live witnesses can testify against you to the King or Court. But even if you fail, remember that part of your yearly fee to the Order is set aside to ensure there will be none. | |||||||||||||||||||
Who are these Raiders, these serial killers? | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Following is a list is the members of The Raiders of the Last Orc. The title after each name is the class they consider they play and the level they are at was as of 1 June 1999. And without further ado they are: Hetzer, warrior, level 88. His contempt for danger and love of slaughter show in all he does. Now, unfortunately, seduced by EverQuest. Zarbor, warrior, level 70. He is a foil for all who accompany him and he laughs madly in the face of death. Seduced also by EverQuest. The Zigster, a warrior, level 72. A genius (he can count past 5) and swordsmaster, he has been chosen to lead this band of heroes. Pepbel, warrior, level 47. He is a cautious fighter who prefers thinking his way through problems rather than just hacking through them. Fungus, battlemage, level 45. This bold explorer is ever-inquisitive and curious, traits which have unearthed many hidden secrets and gotten him into much hot water. Seduced by EverQuest. Chook, battlemage, level 50. Carelessly casual and debonair, the Battle Chook of Death clucks at the henhouse of the Grim Reaper. Seduced by EverQuest. Negom, mage, level 22. Truly a Wizard extraordinaire. He is crafty and cunning, his skills as a mage being quite unparalleled. Argos, battlemage, level 45. A man whose urbane exterior hides the soul, lack of conscience and red heart of a reaver. Except when doing his daily good deed to repay some of his karma. Horace, a warrior. He is doughty, stalwart, a mighty drinker and not one to be crossed either in a tavern or on the battlefield. Osiris, warrior, level 9. He has learned at the feet of the Masters and has proven his abilities on a mound of former detractors. Diamond Dog. Agile and wirey, he is a tenacious fighter who will always go for the throat, yet is loyal to the end. Favourite saying is "False hope is better than no hope at all". Seduced by EverQuest. Braveheart, warrior, level 90. Sharpest of the sharp and koolest of the kool, this man moves like a panther. Death on Two Legs but oh, what style. | |||||||||||||||||||
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